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Hampshire Bird Club

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  • HBC Field Trip Overview


The number of participants for each field trip are determined by the field trip leader and are open to non-members.We ask leaders and participants to follow these guidelines:

  1. Field trip leaders and participants must be fully vaccinated and are required to wear a mask when asked (possibly in carpool situations) and be aware of maintaining a safe social distance during the event.
  2. Potential participants should use the leader’s contact information in the description if they would like to register or if they have questions about the trip.
  3. Participants will receive specific information about their trip directly from the leader once they have registered.

Overnight Trips

Overnight trips extend over at least one (1) night. All are limited to members of the Hampshire Bird Club.

Registration: Contact the Field Trip committee at

Costs: We recommend car-pooling and cost sharing which can be arranged between participants (not by the leader or the club).  The HBC charges a fee which includes a share of club insurance premiums, and a share of the leader/s costs. The club may also charge for a share of other costs, if the club pays these on behalf of participants.

Club Fees: Participants always pay the HBC Insurance/Leader fee. The club may charge additional fees on an AT COST basis if it pays some costs on behalf of participants.

Birding for Everyone

The Birding For Everyone (BFE) program is geared towards beginner birders and those who, historically, have not been included in the birding community: young people, minorities, and persons with disabilities. Each month there will be a one hour online educational session (15 minute presentation, 45 minutes for questions, bird ID help, etc.) and a two hour, in-person, beginner bird walk at an accessible location. The walk will occur on the third Saturday of the month at 8:45 AM. The talk will be two days prior on Thursday at 7:00 PM. Interested? Have questions? Would your group benefit from this program? Email derek allard for any of the above.

Couldn’t Find the Trip You Want?

We welcome suggestions for local and/or overnight trips, especially if you are prepared to lead them. The Field Trip committee can be reached at

Hampshire Bird Club, Inc.

Post Office Box 3637
Amherst, MA 01004-3637

All contents © 2023 by the Hampshire Bird Club, Inc.

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