Our GoalThe goal of the Education Committee is to offer birding workshops and activities with the aim to introduce and encourage bird watching for everyone. We offer monthly topics of interest in person or on-line. The Education Committee meets via zoom monthly, every first Tuesday from 7-8 p.m. If you would like to join us contact education@hampshirebirdclub.org Our Presentations We offer presentations each month on topics such as bird identification, where to bird locally, the dos and don’ts of bird feeders, and our popular monthly Do-It-Yourself Birding workshops. Currently, all our presentations take place via zoom. Descriptions of the presentations and instructions on registering can be found under Workshops. New Member Bird WalksThis is a new initiative from the Education Committee. We will offer new member bird walks, open to anyone with any level of experience, once each season. They will be led by members of the Ed Committee. For details and directions, check Events listings. Videos of Previous Workshops and ProgramsEducational ScholarshipsWe offer scholarships for young people to attend birding or natural history camps and conferences. Applicants are 12-18 years old. An applicant or a family member is a member of the Hampshire Bird Club. You can download an Education Scholarship Application here. Education Committee MembersLesley Farlow and Janice Jorgensen, Co-Chairs Melissa Aldrich
To contact the Education Committee, please email education@hampshirebirdclub.org. Feel free to email us with ideas for presentations or activities that would interest you. | Upcoming Education Committee Events