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  • Field Trip: Hilltown Rambles

Field Trip: Hilltown Rambles

  • May 31, 2025
  • 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Berkshire Hilltowns, MA
  • 10



Join Dave Gross and Donna Lee Ubertalli as they ramble around the various Berkshire Hilltowns from Northampton to Windsor to look for those migrants that prefer higher elevations than the valley provides. We’ll be on the lookout for American Bittern, Sandhill Cranes, Blackburnian Warblers, and Spotted Sandpipers along with anything else we can turn up. 

This trip involves mostly walking on flat, uneven terrain, along with hiking at the hilly Moran Wildlife Area, and birding from cars. Meet at the Northampton Stop & Shop (Kingsgate Mall) parking lot at 7 AM to organize our carpool/caravan. Pack a lunch or pick one up at our rest stop at the Cummington Creamery. Plan for the weather and insect pests. There are two bathroom stops in the morning and at the Creamery. Depending on our preferences, there should be another in the afternoon. We aim to return to Northampton by 4 PM. Questions? Contact Dave at or 413-687-8161. Limited to 10 participants. (E/M/S)

Please see the HBC guidelines on carpooling >

Field Trip designations:

(E) – Easy conditions, fairly accessible for most, usually flat terrain on improved trails or roads.
(M) – Moderately difficult, more challenging trail conditions, short steep sections, longer hikes.
(S) – Strenuous conditions, muddy or rocky trails, steep sections, difficult footing in part.

Hampshire Bird Club, Inc.

Post Office Box 3637
Amherst, MA 01004-3637

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