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Hampshire Bird Club

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  • Field Trip: Hammonasset Beach State Park

Field Trip: Hammonasset Beach State Park

  • April 25, 2025
  • 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Madison, CT (Meet first at Sheldon Field in Northampton)
  • 1



Join Amanda Kallenbach for an all-day trip to the CT coast. With miles of beaches and wooded trails surrounded by salt marsh, this 936-acre park boasts a recorded 326 bird species, making it Connecticut's top eBird hotspot. Late April birds in the park include ducks, rails, shorebirds, waders, osprey, swallows, wrens, sparrows and a few early warblers. One day isn't enough to fully cover it, but we'll explore as much as possible, alternately walking and driving.  Expect to walk at least three miles on terrain that is uneven (and, of course, sandy!) in parts. Bring a packed lunch. Bathroom facilities are available.

This trip will involve carpooling and a cost per person. A second driver, willing to bring three other passengers, is required to make this trip happen. Please email Amanda at if you're willing to be that second driver, or if you have any other questions about the trip. To defray mileage and park fees, there is a trip cost of $15/pp, payable to your driver. Meet at Sheldon Field (26 Old Ferry Road) in Northampton at 7 AM. Limited to 6 participants. (M/S)

Please see the HBC guidelines on carpooling >

Field Trip designations:
(E) – Easy conditions, fairly accessible for most, usually flat terrain on improved trails or roads.
(M) – Moderately difficult, more challenging trail conditions, short steep sections, longer hikes.
(S) – Strenuous conditions, muddy or rocky trails, steep sections, difficult footing in part.

Hampshire Bird Club, Inc.

Post Office Box 3637
Amherst, MA 01004-3637

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