Join Bill Randolph and Carol Fournier for an exploration of this portion of the trail. We’ll be doing a slow trip through diverse habitat where we’ll have an opportunity to view early migrants to the area as well as belted kingfishers, green herons, waterfowl, hawks and other raptors. We’ll meet at the Rail Trail parking area off Station Road in Amherst where there is ample parking and a porta-potty. There is limited seating on the trail which is paved and fairly level. Questions? Email Bill at Limited to 15 participants. (E)
View map link to parking area >
Field Trip designations:(E) – Easy conditions, fairly accessible for most, usually flat terrain on improved trails or roads. (M) – Moderately difficult, more challenging trail conditions, short steep sections, longer hikes. (S) – Strenuous conditions, muddy or rocky trails, steep sections, difficult footing in part.
Hampshire Bird Club, Inc. Post Office Box 3637Amherst, MA 01004-3637
All contents © 2023 by the Hampshire Bird Club, Inc.