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  • Wind, Mud, and Farmland: Migratory Diversity among Alaska-breeding shorebirds with Rozy Bathrick

Wind, Mud, and Farmland: Migratory Diversity among Alaska-breeding shorebirds with Rozy Bathrick

  • April 01, 2025
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • online

What shapes the migratory strategy of long-distance migratory shorebirds, and how does it differ between population, species, and flyway? What are the different risks that migrants are exposed to as a result? While many species share resources and habitat on the breeding grounds in Alaska, they display incredible diversity during migration, using distinct migratory flyways and relying on stopover sites oceans apart. Tracking data, collected on six Alaska-breeding shorebird species over the past four years, gives us a glimpse into these strategic differences and where the greatest vulnerabilities lie. 

Rozy is a PhD candidate in the Senner Lab at UMass Amherst, in the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Program. Before spending her summers tromping through Alaskan tundra, she worked at a seabird colony in California and as a teaching assistant on field courses at UC Santa Cruz. She is motivated by the spectacularity of the natural world and all the organisms that rely upon it. 

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